January 23

Using Your Business as a Tool for Kingdom Impact


As a Christian business owner, you have the unique opportunity to use your business as a tool for kingdom impact. This means using your talents and resources to make a positive impact in your community and industry, and ultimately bring glory to God. One way to do this is through the 7 mountain mandate, which is a biblical concept that states that Christians are called to be influential in seven specific areas of society: religion, family, education, government, media, arts, and business. In this blog post, we will focus on how the 7 mountain mandate relates to the economy mountain, and how Christian business owners can use their businesses to make a difference in this area.

The economy mountain refers to the systems, structures, and institutions that govern the way money is made and spent in a society. It includes things like banks, stock markets, and government economic policies. As a Christian business owner, you have the power to influence the way these systems operate, and to use your business to bring about positive change in your community and industry.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of using your business as a tool for kingdom impact, and provide practical tips and strategies for doing so. We will also highlight examples of Christian businesses that are making a difference in their communities and industries, and offer resources for further reading and support. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years, this post will provide valuable insights and inspiration for using your business as a tool for kingdom impact.

Understanding the 7 Mountain Mandate

The 7 mountain mandate is a biblical concept that states that Christians are called to be influential in seven specific areas of society: religion, family, education, government, media, arts, and business. This mandate is based on the idea that as believers, we are called to bring the love and truth of Jesus Christ to every area of society.

The Bible teaches us that we are to be salt and light in the world, influencing society for the better (Matthew 5:13-16). This includes being involved in the economy, which is an essential aspect of society. The Bible teaches us that we should work diligently and be good stewards of the resources God has given us (Colossians 3:23-24).

As Christian business owners, we have the unique opportunity to use our businesses to impact the economy mountain and bring about change in our communities and industries. We can use our businesses to create jobs, provide goods and services, and contribute to the overall growth and development of our communities.

One way to do this is through ethical business practices. This means operating your business in a way that is fair, honest, and responsible. It also means treating your employees, customers, and suppliers with respect and fairness. This can be seen as acting as a reflection of the love and justice of God in the business world.

The Role of Christian Business Owners

As Christian business owners, we have a special role to play in society. We have the opportunity to use our businesses to make a positive impact in the economy mountain and bring about change in our communities and industries.

This includes being responsible stewards of the resources God has given us, using our businesses to create jobs, provide goods and services, and contribute to the overall growth and development of our communities. It also means being involved in the political and policy-making process of the economy, being a voice of righteousness and justice in the economy.

Furthermore, we can also use our businesses as a platform to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ with others. This can be done through charitable giving, supporting mission works, and being a positive influence in the community.

Strategies for Implementing Kingdom Impact in Business

As Christian business owners, it is important to recognize that our businesses are not just a means to make a profit, but a powerful tool to bring about kingdom impact. One of the key ways to achieve this is by incorporating kingdom values into our business operations. This includes treating employees with fairness, paying fair wages, and ensuring ethical sourcing of materials.

Another important step is to seek God's guidance and wisdom in making decisions that align with kingdom values. This can be done through prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking counsel from other believers. This not only helps us to make better decisions but also to align our business with the purpose of God.

Additionally, it is crucial for Christian business owners to be actively involved in their communities, by supporting causes and organizations that align with kingdom values. This can include things like supporting local mission works, participating in community service projects, and being a positive influence in your industry. By taking these steps, Christian business owners can use their businesses as powerful tools for kingdom impact and make a positive difference in their communities and industries.


Using your business as a tool for kingdom impact is an important aspect of being a Christian business owner. By understanding the 7 mountain mandate, and by implementing kingdom values in your business operations, you can make a positive impact in the economy mountain and bring glory to God.

It's important to remember that as Christian business owners, we have the unique opportunity to use our businesses to make a difference in our communities and industries. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years, there are many ways to use your business as a tool for kingdom impact.

Some suggested resources for further reading and support include:

  • "The 7 Mountain Mandate" by Lance Wallnau
  • "Business for the Glory of God" by Wayne Grudem
  • "God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life" by Gene Edward Veith Jr.

Finally, we encourage you to take action and use your business as a tool for kingdom impact. Consider how you can align your business operations with kingdom values, and look for ways to make a positive impact in your community and industry. Remember to seek God's guidance and wisdom in all that you do, and trust that He will guide you as you use your business as a tool for His kingdom.


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